Welcome to the Unit Pricer. This tool allows you to search for prices of telecommunications products and services.

To get started, click the Add Price button. To learn more about this tool, click the Help tab.

* Price results include the AGF fee.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Toolbar
    • Result List
    • Add Price Dialog
    • Case Details Dialog
    • Load Result Set Dialog
    • Associated CLINs Dialog
      • Auto-Sold CLINs Dialog
        • Introduction

          This tool allows you to search and view the prices of telecommunications products and services available under the GSA Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract.

          Click the Add Price Button to get started.




          The Toolbar allows you to do the following:

          Toolbar: Add Price Button

          Toolbar: Add Price Button

          Toolbar: Add Price Button

          Clicking this button will show the Add Price Dialog.

          Toolbar: Download Button

          Clicking this button will download your current price results in the Result List as a CSV file.

          Toolbar: Result Sets Menu

          Toolbar: Result Sets Menu

          Toolbar: Result Sets Menu

          This menu contains the following entries:

          • Load Result Set...: Show the Load Result Set Dialog, which allows you to load a previous-saved result set.
          • Save Result Set...: Save the current price results in the Result List as Result Set.

          Toolbar: Vendor Menu

          Toolbar: Vendor Menu

          Toolbar: Vendor Menu

          Clicking the items in this menu allow you to filter the current price results in the Result List by vendor.

          Tip: You can shift-click individual vendors to select more than one at a time.

          Toolbar: Clear Results Button

          Toolbar: Clear Results Button

          Toolbar: Clear Results Button

          Click this button to clear the current price results in the Result List.

          Result List

          Result List

          Result List

          The Result List displays your current price results. You can use the following interface components to modify the Result List:

          Result List: Result

          Result List: Result

          Result List: Result

          This panel contains the result of a lookup from the Add Price Dialog.

          The panel header contains the following:

          • A gear button that shows the Options Menu.
          • A title that briefly summarizes the price result. Clicking the title shows the CLIN Details Panel.

          The panel body contains a table with rows for each unique date range and task order combination, based on your selections from the Add Price Dialog.

          Note: Prices displayed in this panel include the AGF fee.

          Result List: Result: Options Menu

          Result List: Result: Options Menu

          Result List: Result: Options Menu

          This menu contains the following entries:

          • Edit Result: Edit the selections for this price result.
          • Copy Result: Make a copy of this price result.
          • Delete Result: Delete this price result from the Result List.
          • View Associated CLINs: Show CLINs associated with this CLIN in the Associated CLINs Dialog.
          • View Auto-Sold CLINs: Show autosold CLINs associated with this CLIN in the Auto-Sold CLINs Dialog.

          Result List: Result: CLIN Details Panel

          Result List: Result: CLIN Details Panel

          Result List: Result: CLIN Details Panel

          This panel shows the following additional details about this price result:

          • Service Name
          • CLIN
          • CLIN Name
          • Frequency
          • Unit

          Add Price Dialog

          Add Price Dialog

          Add Price Dialog

          The Add Price Dialog guides you through the steps necessary to search for prices of telecommunications products and services.

          The left sidebar of the Add Price Dialog displays the set of available steps as a vertical list of tabs, with the currently active tab highlighted in blue.

          Note: The tabs visible in the sidebar will change based on your selections in the Select CLIN Tab and Select Additional Info Tab.

          The Previous Step and Next Step buttons in the bottom-right corner can be used to navigate to the previous and next step, respectively. You can also click the tabs in the sidebar to quickly navigate between steps.

          Add Price Dialog: Tab Sidebar

          Add Price Dialog: Tab Sidebar

          Add Price Dialog: Tab Sidebar

          The left sidebar of the Add Price Dialog displays the set of available steps as a vertical list of tabs, with the currently active tab highlighted in blue.

          Note: The tabs visible in the sidebar will change based on your selections in the Select CLIN Tab and Select Additional Info Tab.

          Add Price Dialog: Navigation Buttons

          Add Price Dialog: Navigation Buttons

          Add Price Dialog: Navigation Buttons

          The Previous Step and Next Step buttons in the bottom-right corner can be used to navigate to the previous and next step, respectively. You can also click the tabs in the sidebar to quickly navigate between steps.

          Add Price Dialog: Title

          Add Price Dialog: Title

          Add Price Dialog: Title

          Once you have selected a CLIN on the Select CLIN Tab, the Title contains a summary of the currently selected CLIN.

          Add Price Dialog: Overview Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Overview Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Overview Tab

          The Overview Tab contains a brief overview of the Add Price Dialog.

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab

          This tab allows you to find and select a Contract Line Item Number (CLIN).

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Service Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Service Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Service Menu

          This dropdown menu allows you to browse the list of services and filter CLINs listed in the Result List.

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Sort Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Sort Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Sort Menu

          This dropdown menu allows you to sort the Result List by CLIN or by CLIN Name.

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Help Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Help Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Help Button

          This button toggles the visibility of the help text for the Select CLIN Tab.

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Search Field

          This search field allows you to search for a CLIN. Search strings are matched against the following:

          • CLIN
          • CLIN Name
          • Service
          • Service Name
          • Section Number
          • Frequency
          • Unit Name
          • Vendor CLINs

          You can use * and ? for wildcard searches:

          • *: Match zero or more characters. For example, searching for "pl*02" will match PL00205, PL00102, PL00203 and so on.
          • *: Match any one character. For example, searching for "pl00?02" will match PL00102 and PL00202.

          Note: Wildcard searches are only matched against the following columns:

          • CLIN
          • CLIN Name
          • Vendor CLINs

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select CLIN Tab: Result List

          This panel displays the list of clins that match your filter settings from the Service Menu and Search Field.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Additional Info Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Additional Info Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Additional Info Tab

          This tab allows you to select the pricing method for the selected CLIN.

          Note: This tab is only visible if the selected CLIN has more than one available pricing method.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab

          This tab allows you to search for and select a case number for the currently selected CLIN.

          Note: This tab is only displayed if you have selected a CLIN that requires a case number (an Individual Case Basis CLIN, for example) in the Select CLIN Tab.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Vendor Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Vendor Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Vendor Menu

          This dropdown menu allows you to limit the list of case numbers displayed in the Select Case Number Tab to case numbers from a specific vendor.

          Note: On the Public Pricer, you must select a vendor; the "All Vendors" option is not available.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Show Case Details Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Show Case Details Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Show Case Details Button

          Clicking this button will show the Case Details Dialog for the selected case number.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Help Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Help Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Help Button

          This button toggles the visibility of the help text for the Select Case Number Tab.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Search Field

          This field allows you to search for a case number.

          Note: On the Public Pricer, you must enter an exact case number unless you have a catalog CLIN selected.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Case Number Tab: Result List

          This panel displays case numbers for the given CLIN that match the filter settings in the Vendor Menu and Search Field.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab

          This tab allows you to search for and select an origin location for the currently selected CLIN and pricing method.

          The functionality of this tab varies slightly depending on the type of location required:

          • Network Site Code (NSC): Enter a street address or NSC in the search field, then press enter to search for the closest NSC.
          • Country/Jurisdiction: Select a Country/Jurisdiction from the list.
          • Area of the World (AOW): Select an Area of the World from the list.

          Note: This tab is only visible if you have selected a CLIN and pricing method in the Select Additional Info Tab with an originating location requirement.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab: Search Field

          Enter text in this field and press enter to filter the list of visible locations.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Origin Tab: Result List

          A list of locations that matches the search text in the Search Field.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab

          This tab allows you to search for and select an destination location for the currently selected CLIN.

          The functionality of this tab varies slightly depending on the type of location required:

          • Network Site Code (NSC): Enter a street address or NSC in the search field, then press enter to search for the closest NSC.
          • Country/Jurisdiction: Select a Country/Jurisdiction from the list.
          • Area of the World (AOW): Select an Area of the World from the list.

          Note: This tab is only visible if you have selected a CLIN and pricing method in the Select Additional Info Tab with an destination location requirement.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab: Search Field

          Enter text in this field and press enter to filter the list of visible locations.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Destination Tab: Result List

          A list of locations that matches the search text in the Search Field.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Quantity Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Quantity Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Quantity Tab

          This tab allows you to select a unit quantity for the selected CLIN.

          Note: This tab is only displayed if the currently selected CLIN has prices that vary by quantity.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Pricing Element Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Pricing Element Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Pricing Element Tab

          This tab allows you to select a pricing element for the selected CLIN.

          Note: This tab is only displayed if the currently selected CLIN has multiple pricing elements.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab

          This tab allows you to select a date range to search for prices.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab: Date Range Buttons

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab: Date Range Buttons

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab: Date Range Buttons

          Use these buttons to select common date ranges.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab: Custom Date Range

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab: Custom Date Range

          Add Price Dialog: Select Date Range Tab: Custom Date Range

          Use this button and fields to specify an arbitrary date range.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab

          This tab allows you to limit price results to the following:

          • On-Contract prices and all Task Order prices.
          • On-Contract prices only.
          • A specific list of Task Orders.
          • Note: This tab is not displayed on the Public Pricer, because the Public Pricer does not contain task order prices.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Buttons

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Buttons

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Buttons

          Use these buttons to specify how on-contract and task order prices are displayed.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Button

          Clicking this button will show the Custom Selection Panel.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel

          This panel allows you to select a custom list of on-contract prices and task order numbers to display.

          Note: On-contract prices are represented in the Custom Selection Panel by with a value of -1.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Selected Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Selected Menu

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Selected Menu

          This menu shows the list of currently selected items. Clicking an entry allows you to unselect the specified item.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Clear Selected Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Clear Selected Button

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Clear Selected Button

          Click this button to deselect all selected items.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Search Field

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Search Field

          Use this field to filter the list of visible items.

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Result List

          Add Price Dialog: Select Contract/TO Tab: Custom Selection Panel: Result List

          This panel displays a list of items that match the search field. Selected items are highlighted in blue.

          You can click an item to select it. Clicking a selected item will deselect it.

          Note: On-contract prices are represented in this list by with a value of -1.

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab

          This tab allows you to confirm your selections from previous tabs, correct any errors, and start your price search.

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Errors Panel

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Errors Panel

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Errors Panel

          This panel is displayed if you have made an invalid selection on a previous tab or forgotten a step.

          Tip: You can click individual errors to jump directly to the error.

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Review Panel

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Review Panel

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Review Panel

          This panel allows you to review your selections from previous tabs.

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Find Prices Button

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Find Prices Button

          Add Price Dialog: Confirm Selections Tab: Find Prices Button

          Once you have reviewed your selections, click this button to begin searching for matching prices.

          Case Details Dialog

          Case Details Dialog

          Case Details Dialog

          This window shows any details provided by the vendor about the selected case number.

          Case Details Dialog: Case Details Tab

          Case Details Dialog: Case Details Tab

          Case Details Dialog: Case Details Tab

          This tab shows the details for the selected case number.

          Case Details Dialog: Comparison Tab

          Case Details Dialog: Comparison Tab

          Case Details Dialog: Comparison Tab

          The Comparisons tab is only visible when a Service-Related Equipment (SRE) CLIN is selected.

          This tool will compare SRE case number prices between vendors by matching the manufacturer, model number, and part number.

          This tab lists the case numbers from other vendors that will be compared against the price for the currently selected case number.

          Click the Download button to download the comparison list as a CSV file.

          Case Details Dialog: Help Tab

          Case Details Dialog: Help Tab

          Case Details Dialog: Help Tab

          The Help tab displays a brief description of each tab in the Case Details dialog.

          Load Result Set Dialog

          Load Result Set Dialog

          Load Result Set Dialog

          This window allows you to select and load a previously saved Result Set.

          Load Result Set Dialog: Search Field

          Load Result Set Dialog: Search Field

          Load Result Set Dialog: Search Field

          Enter a search string in this field and press enter to filter the visible list of saved results.

          Load Result Set Dialog: Result Set List

          Load Result Set Dialog: Result Set List

          Load Result Set Dialog: Result Set List

          This panel lists the saved result sets that match the search string in the Search Field.

          Load Result Set Dialog: Toolbar

          Load Result Set Dialog: Toolbar

          Load Result Set Dialog: Toolbar

          You can use these buttons to rename or delete a previously saved result set.

          Load Result Set Dialog: Load Result Set Button

          Load Result Set Dialog: Load Result Set Button

          Load Result Set Dialog: Load Result Set Button

          Click this button to load the selected result set.

          Associated CLINs Dialog

          Associated CLINs Dialog

          Associated CLINs Dialog

          This dialog lists any CLINs associated with the selected CLIN.

          You can double-click a CLIN to open it in the Add Price Dialog, or click the Download button to download the list of associated CLINs as a CSV file.

          Auto-Sold CLINs Dialog

          Auto-Sold CLINs Dialog

          Auto-Sold CLINs Dialog

          This dialog lists any auto-sold CLINs associated with the selected CLIN and vendor.

          You can double-click a CLIN to open it in the Add Price Dialog, or click the Download button to download the list of auto-sold CLINs as a CSV file.



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